Are You Ready to Schedule?

If you are new here, please scroll down, and let’s discuss what to expect (and not expect)… so you know exactly what to expect!

Virtual Psychic Readings… What to Expect:

*All readings are via a telephone consultation (no face time) and include an intelligent, empathic, and intuitive interpretation of the channeled message(s) that Spirit delivers to you through my cards, which we will discuss together.

*As an intuitive empath, I will channel your energy during a phone conversation, and via psychic transfer, I will create a personal reading just for you, just for your situation, that we will discuss together at length, just the two of us, and the wisdom of the cards in a secure and private setting.​

*Virtual Psychic Readings - Why is telephone better than in person?

​I find that when I cannot SEE (with my eyes) your body language, your attire, your personal nuances, the way you smell, the way you sit, the way you are attempting to present yourself, etc... I have a completely blank canvas by which to interpret your energies.

NOTHING about your physical self can interfere with my perception of WHO you are, or how I perceive you to be, thus my readings are influenced by nothing in the physical, only the spiritual. I cannot see you, you cannot see me, we can ONLY connect through our energies... and that's the way I work best :)

*You will receive an email from me with specific instructions about how to prepare for your appointment (check your spam folder), please read it.

What to NOT Expect:

*Do not expect the reading to give you the outcome that you wish to have... my cards don't lie, and sometimes information is revealed that is less than pleasant, and sometimes the message is not what you want to hear. Be prepared for the truth, as that is what I will deliver.

*Oftentimes, one is under the impression that any foresight given in a reading is supposed to happen immediately… this is not the case, and sometimes it is weeks, months (or even years) before the “heads up” becomes reality.

*I cannot tell you the purpose of your life as this defeats the purpose of life.

*I also cannot tell you what your calling is (exactly), who your soulmate is, when you're going to die, if you'll be rich, or who your spiritual guides are by name. This all on YOU to explore in your spiritual journey.

​​*I do not intentionally channel those who have passed on, though they do come through at times. Please don’t schedule a reading specifically for this.

*Reading about health and legal issues is “loose” because there are SO MANY freewill variables associated with each concept, though most channeled messages do come to fruition eventually.

​*I do not believe in, nor practice magic of any kind. Please do not ask for spells, prayers, incantations, the removal of spells, or anything else that uses energetic or elemental manipulation.  I do not participate in such things.

​​*I am not a "fortune teller" so don't expect the typical experience, and prepare for deep and meaningful conversation.

*I do not read for multiple people in the same room at once. No couple's readings or group readings.

*All readings are one-on-one TELEPHONE READINGS only (no face-time).

*I do NOT do pre-recorded or "mail order" readings. You must be present.

Important Considerations:

Life is a series of free-will events, and the outcome of any tarot reading can be altered by these events and choices. You and only you are responsible for the decisions that you make in your life. A tarot reading is simply spiritual guidance given to those who freely choose to accept such guidance.

*All sales are final. No refunds. No-shows will forfeit payment. You can reschedule ONE TIME by emailing me BEFORE your appointment time. Reschedules at the appointment time will not be honored and treated as a no-show unless there is a viable emergency.

*I CAN ONLY ACCEPT VENMO, ZELLE, CREDIT/DEBIT CARDS, AFTERPAY, KLARNA, AND PAYPAL. If you cannot use these forms of payment you will not be able to schedule an appointment.

*Payment is due IMMEDIATELY upon scheduling. After you choose your day & time, you will be redirected to the payment portal… WAIT FOR THIS TO HAPPEN or you will not be able to pay and your appointment will be deleted. No payment = canceled appointment.

*If you book more than one appointment, your previous appointments will be deleted and will no longer be available to you. If you missed the payment page, you can check your email for the payment link.

*If you do NOT LIVE IN THE USA OR CANADA we will use WhatsApp (only). Please make sure that you can use it in your country. Instructions on how to proceed will be in your confirmation email (check your spam folder).

*Please remember to account for the time differences. I am in USA Central Standard Time. If you have more than an 8-hour difference, I can make special arrangements to accommodate the time difference - email me after you schedule and pay, and we’ll adjust the appointment accordingly.